We offer age-appropriate fitness training for Pre-Teen and Teenagers, featuring the best Teen Program at our gym in North Brunswick. Our current sessions are open to boys and girls ages 12-17. This program is great for all athletic abilities. We currently meet Wednesday’s and Friday’s at 4PM. (Monday’s will start in the summer)
- Great for the student athlete looking to improve their strength and cardio off season. Our program will help develop the explosive strength needed in most sports. Learn how to perform Barbell weightlifting with great technique. Help prevent sport injuries by strengthening up any weak areas and fixing any movement pattern issues.
- For any Teen that doesn’t play sports but wants to get into great shape and be more physically active. They will be logging in their weightlifting numbers every session and achieving new personal records every month. This builds great self-confidence and promotes a healthy body image.
Try your first class for free!